Hey there Reader, Daylight saving time had its time and place, when it was established to help farmers and save on energy costs. But did you know that there are multiple negative effects on our health?
The reason for all of these negative impacts is largely due to our finely tuned circadian rhythms and its impact on our sleep, mood, stress hormones, and more. A little pea-shaped gland called the pineal gland that lives behind our eyeballs (this is important!) is responsible for managing circadian rhythm. Exposure to light on your eyeballs in the morning and at mid-day "winds the clock" so your body knows what time to wake up and what time to start getting sleepy. Cortisol and melatonin are opposites:
Even a little bit of a disturbance in our routine can create problems for us... making us feel sleepy during the day and/or wide awake at night. So what can we do? These are the tips I'm incorporating this week and encouraging my clients to as well:
Struggling with out of balance cortisol? Feeling sluggish and it's not related to the time change? I include hormone testing in ALL of my programs so we can get to the root cause of your fatigue, mood issues, weight, period problems, and more. Apply here to work with me - I've got a couple of spots available still to get started in March. All my best, Melissa The Hormone Dietitian www.thehormonedietitian.com Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest IMPORTANT NOTE -> This information is provided for educational purposes and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare practitioners before undertaking any changes in your diet or adding supplements. |
Award-winning integrative and functional dietitian specializing in women's health and hormones, including PCOS, fertility, and hormone imbalances. I help busy women identify and address the root causes of their hormone imbalances so they can live a balanced life! Author of A Balanced Approach to PCOS, host of the podcast Hormonally Yours with the Hormone Dietitian, and creator of The PCOS Root Cause Roadmap (tm) and The Period Problems Root Cause Roadmap. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!
Hey there Reader, Happy New Year! 🎉 If you're like most women with PCOS, you may have some health goals at the top of your resolutions list for 2025. Whether that's losing weight, getting regular periods, growing your family, working out more, eating better, or improving symptoms like acne, hair loss, and bloating... It's no secret that nutrition and lifestyle changes can help. But I'm seeing a lot of plans out there that are: not backed by science potentially harmful for your long-term...
Hey there Reader, You DO have choices when it comes to managing PCOS. I'm speaking at 2 conferences next month, so I'm DEEP in the current research and guidelines at the moment, and it's making me mad all over again. Did you know that the updated International Expert Guidelines say "Shared decision making between the patient and the healthcare professional is required" when it comes to deciding whether you want to take medications for your PCOS or not? Sure doesn't feel that way, and that's...
Hey there Reader, My birthday only comes once a year and I rarely run sales, so just wanted to remind you real quick that the coupon code BDAY2024 expires at midnight tonight! This is the LAST reminder! The discount code works on: PCOS QuickStart Bundle - If you're totally new to PCOS or new to the idea that you CAN in fact manage it with nutrition and lifestyle, start here! It has everything you need to get started on your holistic PCOS journey so you can make some decisions about the next...