Last day to save!

Hey there Reader,

Count down to 2024-03-02T05:00:00.000Z

My birthday only comes once a year and I rarely run sales, so just wanted to remind you real quick that the coupon code BDAY2024 expires at midnight tonight!

This is the LAST reminder!

The discount code works on:

PCOS QuickStart Bundle - If you're totally new to PCOS or new to the idea that you CAN in fact manage it with nutrition and lifestyle, start here! It has everything you need to get started on your holistic PCOS journey so you can make some decisions about the next best steps for you.

The PCOS Root Cause Roadmap™ - If you're ready to learn everything you can about your PCOS root causes - what they are, how to test for them, how they impact PCOS, and nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement tips to manage them, as well as how to advocate better for yourself with your healthcare team, you can't go wrong with my signature program. It's a 6-module, comprehensive and proprietary self-study program that contains all of the same materials and protocols I use with my one-on-one clients.

PCOS Meal Prep Made Easy - Just trying to figure out HOW the heck to eat for PCOS? I got you! This is my easy 3-step method you can use to get started eating to manage PCOS root causes TODAY. (This one is just focused on food, not on supplements, lifestyle, or lab testing.)

All of these bestselling products are 25% off through 3/1 at midnight with code BDAY2024 - it works on pay in full and payment plan options! And you can use HSA/FSA for any of these as well!

Already have a good handle on the basics and looking for something more personalized? I'm looking for TWO women who want to with me to manage their PCOS starting in March. My newly re-opened all-inclusive 4-month program includes 8 x 1-on-1 appointments, all the root cause lab tests, daily food tracking & DMs, weekly check-ins, recipe support, and more - I'm here to support you in whatever way works best for you! For some of my clients that includes setting and tracking macros, for others we use non-tracking methods of ensuring you're getting what you need. Some patients are TTC, others are postpartum, perimenopausal, prepping for IVF or egg freezing, or training for an athletic event. It truly is 100% customized for where you are and where you want to go. Apply here - I have some spots for free strategy calls with me in the next couple weeks! (Sorry, this one is US only with some state limitations - HSA/FSA eligible and payment plans available.)

All my best,


The Hormone Dietitian

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IMPORTANT NOTE -> This information is provided for educational purposes and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare practitioners before undertaking any changes in your diet or adding supplements.

Melissa Groves Azzaro, RDN, LD, The Hormone Dietitian®

Award-winning integrative and functional dietitian specializing in women's health and hormones, including PCOS, fertility, and hormone imbalances. I help busy women identify and address the root causes of their hormone imbalances so they can live a balanced life! Author of A Balanced Approach to PCOS, host of the podcast Hormonally Yours with the Hormone Dietitian, and creator of The PCOS Root Cause Roadmap (tm) and The Period Problems Root Cause Roadmap. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

Read more from Melissa Groves Azzaro, RDN, LD, The Hormone Dietitian®
50% off through 1/10/25!

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